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Bank AL Habib

Dawood Habib Group, the sponsor of Bank AL Habib Limited has a history in the banking sector dating back to the 1920’s. The group played a major role in meeting the financial needs of Pakistan making it the first institution to provide banking services to the new Country.

Dawood Habib Group

Dawood Habib Group the sponsor of Bank AL Habib Limited has a long track record in banking that dates back to the 1920s. The Group was among the founding members of Habib Bank Limited and played a major role in meeting the financial and banking needs of Pakistan. It was nationalized along with other Banks in Pakistan on January 1, 1974. Under the subsequent privatization policy of Government of Pakistan, Dawood Habib Group was granted permission to set up a commercial bank.

Bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started banking operations in 1992. The Late Hamid D. Habib, grandson of the founder of Habib Group, was the first Chairman of Bank AL Habib Limited. He was the Director in Habib Bank Limited from 1954 and its Chairman from 1971 until its nationalization.

After the death of Mr. Hamid D. Habib in May 2000, Mr. Ali Raza D. Habib, who was Director on the Board, he was appointed the Chairman of the Bank, a position he continued to hold till October 2016. The Late Rashid D. Habib, who was the Managing Director of Habib Bank Limited from 1953 till it's nationalization, was appointed as the Managing Director & Chief Executive of Bank AL Habib Limited until he passed away in 1994.

After his demise, Mr. Abbas D. Habib, the Joint Managing Director and a close associate of Bank AL Habib since its inception in 1991, was appointed as the Managing Director and the Chief Executive of the Bank. He currently holds the prestigious position of Chairman of the Board of Directors while Mr. Mansoor A. Khan has been appointed as Chief Executive effective November 1, 2016

In a short span of 28 years, the Bank's assets have grown to more than PKR 1 trillion, with a network of 1223 branches and sub-branches including a Wholesale Branch in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Malaysia and Representative Offices in Dubai, Istanbul, Beijing, Kenya

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History of Bank AL Habib

Vision Statement

To be our customers' most convenient and trusted bank

Mission Statement

To make banking safe, simple, and pleasant

Shariah Board

The Shariah Board of the Bank comprises of the following

Chairman Shariah Board
Mufti Ismatullah Hamdullah

Mufti Islamtullah holds the degrees of “Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyah” and “Takhassus Fil Fiqh” from Jamia Dar-ul-Uloom, Karachi. He is a PhD in Islamic Economics from University of Karachi. He has been associated with Islamic Banking Division of Bank AL Habib Limited since 2006 as the Shariah Advisor prior to his appointment as the Chairman Shariah Board.

He has been teaching Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy and Arabic Grammar in Dar-ul-Uloom since 1993. Mufti Sahab has a vast experience in issuing Shariah rulings (fatwa) and is currently serving Dar-ul-Ifta’ of Dar-ul-Uloom. So far, he has issued about 20,000 Fatwas regarding different topics and Shariah issues.

His thesis – Zar (Money) in light of Shariah – is considered as one of the most useful researches of Islamic Economics and has already been published. He is a renowned research scholar; his research papers have been published in Monthly “Al Balaagh”. He wrote a book “Guide to Takaful or Islamic Insurance” that has also been published.

Mufti Sahab is also a member of Shariah Board AL Habib Asset Management, Pak Qatar Takaful Group and IGI window Takaful.

Mufti Islamtullah holds the degrees of “Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyah” and “Takhassus Fil Fiqh” from Jamia Dar-ul-Uloo...
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Member Shariah Board
Mufti Mohib ul Haq

Mufti Mohib ul Haq Siddiqui graduated from Jamia Darul Uloom, Karachi. He obtained Shaha dat-ul-Aalamia (Masters in Arabic and Islamic Studies) and Al-T’akhassus fi al-Iftaa’ (Specialization in Islamic Jurisprudence and Fatwa) qualifications from Darul Uloom.

He joined the Shariah Board of Bank AL Habib – Islamic Banking in November 2015 as Member, Shariah Board. With substantial and diversified experience in the field of Islamic Finance, he has served several financial institutions as a member of their Shariah Boards.

Mufti Mohib ul Haq is currently associated with Faysal Barkat Islamic Banking as the Chairman of Shariah Board. He is also a member of the State Bank of Pakistan’s Forum for Shariah review, standardization of Islamic products, and processes and formalization of AAOIFI Shariah standards for the Pakistan banking industry.

He is also an associated member of the Shariah Board with Bank Alfalah Islamic Banking Division and JS Islamic Fund. Formerly he was also an associated member of the Shariah Board of Takaful Pakistan Limited and Royal Bank of Scotland, Berhad, Malaysia. He has over twelve years of teaching experience at renowned institutions and is also a Faculty Member/ Visiting Faculty Member of various well-known Institutions such as:

  • Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi – Centre for Islamic Economics
  • National Institute of Banking and Finance (NIBAF) – SBP
  • Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan
  • PAF-KIET (Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology)
Mufti Mohib ul Haq Siddiqui graduated from Jamia Darul Uloom, Karachi. He obtained Shaha dat-ul-Aalamia (Maste...
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Resident Shariah Board Member
Mufti Sher Ali

Mufti Sher Ali obtained the degrees of “Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyyah” ( الشھادۃ العالمیۃ) and “Specialization in Ifta wa Fiqhil halal ” ( تخصص فی الافتاء و فقہِ الحلال ) from Jamiah tur Rasheed, besides having a Masters from the University of Karachi . He has an outstanding academic record in both Islamic and Contemporary education throughout his career, winning numerous awards & positions at institution, university and national level.

Having been a member of the Darul Ifta at Jamia tur Rasheed, he has issued numerous verdicts (Fatwas) on various issues. He also serves as a faculty member at Al –Burhan (An International Academy offering Islamic education for professionals.). He possesses a vast Shariah Compliance experience and command over conducting Shariah review of corporate, SME and consumer post-execution transactions, review of legal documents and internal policies, training and educating branch and corporate banking staff on Islamic Banking & Finance, vetting of investment banking transactions, shariah review of product manuals and policies etc.

Mufti Sher Ali obtained the degrees of “Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyyah” ( الشھادۃ العالمیۃ) and “Specialization in Ift...
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Member Shariah Board
Mufti Muhammad Hamza

Mufti Muhammad Hamza is serving Bank AL Habib – Islamic Banking as Shariah Board Member since September 2021. He has a diverse professional experience in IBIs and Audit Firms. Prior to his joining, he has served as Shariah Scholar (Assistant Manager Shariah Support) in Product Management and Development Department at Faysal Bank Limited-Islamic. He also served as Shariah Consultant in EY Ford Rhodes.

Mufti Muhammad Hamza possesses both contemporary as well as religious academic qualifications. He holds Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyah (Masters in Islamic and Arabic Studies) along with Takhassus Fiqh-ul-Muamlaat (Islamic Commercial Law and Management Science) from Jamia Tur Rasheed, Karachi.

He is also an MBA (Finance) from University of Karachi. Furthermore, he holds “Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Banking and Takaful” from Centre for Islamic Economics Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi.

He is presently associated with Jamia-tur-Rasheed, Karachi as a Member of Darul Iftaa and lecturer in department of Dars-e-Nizami. Mufti Muhammad Hamza has significant experience of teaching Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and other related subjects in renowned institutions as Permanent and Visiting Faculty Member such as Jamia tur Rasheed and Al-Burhan international Karachi.

Mufti Muhammad Hamza is serving Bank AL Habib – Islamic Banking as Shariah Board Member since September 2021. ...
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Resident Shariah Board Member
Mufti Muhammad Sarfraz Nihal

Mufti Muahammad Sarfraz Nihal obtained the degrees of “Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyah” and “Specialization in Fiscal Jurisprudence (Takhassus Fil Fiqhil Islamii)” from Jamia Farooqia, Karachi.

He also awarded M.Phil (Monetary Economics), MSc(Economics) and BSc (Math, Stats & Economics) from University of Karachi. Currently, he is perusing PhD. in Management Sciences.

He has an extensive and diversified experience in the field of Islamic Finance and has served different financial institutions as a Shariah Auditor and Product Manager.

He has joined the Shariah Board of Bank AL Habib – Islamic Banking in November 2015 as Resident Shariah Board Member. Further, he possesses research expertise having numbers of research papers domestically and internationally in the area of Islamic Economics and Finance as well as more than eight years of teaching experience in different Universities and Jamia as a Visiting Faculty Member such as:

  • Jamia Hammadia Karachi
  • Applied Economics Research Centre (AERC)
  • University of Karachi, Dept. of Economics & Commerce
  • Bahria University, Karachi Campus
  • PAF-KIET (Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology)
Mufti Muahammad Sarfraz Nihal obtained the degrees of “Shahadat-ul-Aalamiyah” and “Specialization in Fiscal Ju...
Creadit Cards

Credit Ratings

PACRA upgrades Entity & Instrument Ratings of Bank AL Habib Limited.

Alhamdulillah, Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA) has upgraded the Bank’s long term entity rating at AAA (Triple A). These ratings denote a lowest expectation of credit risk, indicate exceptionally strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments. The short term rating of the Bank has been maintained at A1+ (A one plus). The ratings of our unsecured, subordinated TFCs have also been upgraded at AA+ (Double A plus) for TFC-2018, and AA (Double A) for TFC-2017 (perpetual).

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Corporate Social Responsibility

The Bank is fully committed to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and fulfills this responsibility by engaging in a wide range of activities which include:

  • Corporate philanthropy amounting to PKR 124.2 million by way of donations for health, social and educational development and welfare of under-privileged people during the year 2017.

  • Energy conservation, environmental protection, and occupational safety and health by restricting unnecessary lighting, implementing tobacco control law and “No Smoking Zone” and providing a safe and healthy work environment.


History of Bank

Started Career in 1891

Habib Esmail, founder of Habib Group, started his career in Bombay in 1891 at the age of 13 on a salary of Rs. 5 per month in a firm that dealt in copper and brass utensils. He worked day and night, arriving before the shop opened, staying till late in the night, and then walking home to save money on conveyance. No wonder that in the short span of five years, at the age of 18, he was made a partner in the firm. Even at that young age, he had established an excellent reputation for honesty, hard work, fair play, trustworthiness, humility. These values continue to guide the activities of Habib Group to this day.

Started Career in 1891

Habib Esmail, founder of Habib Group, started his career in Bombay in 1891 at the age of 13 on a salary of Rs. 5 per month in a firm that dealt in copper and brass utensils. He worked day and night, arriving before the shop opened, staying till late in the night, and then walking home to save money on conveyance. No wonder that in the short span of five years, at the age of 18, he was made a partner in the firm. Even at that young age, he had established an excellent reputation for honesty, hard work, fair play, trustworthiness, humility. These values continue to guide the activities of Habib Group to this day.

Started Career in 1891

Habib Esmail, founder of Habib Group, started his career in Bombay in 1891 at the age of 13 on a salary of Rs. 5 per month in a firm that dealt in copper and brass utensils. He worked day and night, arriving before the shop opened, staying till late in the night, and then walking home to save money on conveyance. No wonder that in the short span of five years, at the age of 18, he was made a partner in the firm. Even at that young age, he had established an excellent reputation for honesty, hard work, fair play, trustworthiness, humility. These values continue to guide the activities of Habib Group to this day.

Started Career in 1891

Habib Esmail, founder of Habib Group, started his career in Bombay in 1891 at the age of 13 on a salary of Rs. 5 per month in a firm that dealt in copper and brass utensils. He worked day and night, arriving before the shop opened, staying till late in the night, and then walking home to save money on conveyance. No wonder that in the short span of five years, at the age of 18, he was made a partner in the firm. Even at that young age, he had established an excellent reputation for honesty, hard work, fair play, trustworthiness, humility. These values continue to guide the activities of Habib Group to this day.

Started Career in 1891

Habib Esmail, founder of Habib Group, started his career in Bombay in 1891 at the age of 13 on a salary of Rs. 5 per month in a firm that dealt in copper and brass utensils. He worked day and night, arriving before the shop opened, staying till late in the night, and then walking home to save money on conveyance. No wonder that in the short span of five years, at the age of 18, he was made a partner in the firm. Even at that young age, he had established an excellent reputation for honesty, hard work, fair play, trustworthiness, humility. These values continue to guide the activities of Habib Group to this day.

Corporate Information

  • Incorporation Number

    M-00449 (New CUIN No. 0025432)

  • National Tax Number: 0709857-0
  • Status of Company: PIC
  • Registered Office:

    126-C, Old Bahawalpur Road, Multan

    PHONE (92-61) 4580314-16

    FAX (92-61) 4582471

  • Principal Office

    Mackinnons Building, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi

    PHONE (92-21) 32412421, 32446916, 111-786-110

Associated Companies

Habib Insurance Company Limited
Habib Sugar Mills Limited


AL Habib Capital Markets (Pvt.) Ltd.
AL Habib Asset Management Limited

Code of Conduct